Could I get in trouble if I killed a dog that attacked my childupdate

Let me preface, I LOVE ANIMALS! I love dogs, cats, reptiles, rodents and everything in between!!

But i always said if anything tried to bite or attack my child I would kill it!

But growing up, we had pigs, chickens and goats.. we knew we would be eating the chickens... the one pig was killed when it attacked my grandfather.. and we ate it.. the goats bucked us but didn’t cause harm..

Well ever since I had children I said should any animal bite or attack my children I would kill it!!!

Well my son was bitten on his face, right next to eye, by a dog... I wasn’t there. He was with grandma at a further relatives house.. his father and I both said we were glad we weren’t there because we would have murdered the dog!

But if I was there, and a dog bit my child on the face... I would immediately kill it..

SO my question is, if a dog bites or attacks my children.. can I kill it?? And not get in trouble? I have taught my son how to correctly deal with unknown animals and he is never over aggressive or to in their face! In the situation where he got bit. It was a new dog and the other kids were tormenting it.. my son, at the time, didn’t know how to approach a dog and grabbed him and covered with kisses.. he is only 5 so I taught him the correct response..

But if I saw that, my first instinct would be to kill the dog.. shit that’s my first instinct with humans.. but dogs are animals..

I constantly worry about this because I carry a knife and if any dog ran up I would immediately kill it...

Update; my son didn’t just go up to the dog aggressively..he went to pet him.. but the older kids that were around have been tormenting the dog and my son got the brunt of it.. he is an incredibly gentle and kind human.. and come to find out the dog has been aggressive with people before.. if I was there I would have surely ended it’s life! And they wouldn’t have even cared.. it was a new dog and they weren’t sure about it.... but if this ever happens again... I will most definitely kill it.. my son isn’t over aggressive or anything.. he approaches all animals with an open hand, carefully watching them... we were lucky this dog didn’t get an eye.. but he will have a scar for the rest of his life.... they are rehoming the dog... I’ve lived with pits, labs, German Shepard’s, aussies... and we never had a situation like this... in fact the dogs were to protective of the children... but I swear to god! If I ever witness my child being bitin by any dog... I will kill it!!

And also, grandma didn’t even know the dogs were inside!! Her excuse was “I didn’t know!!” She broke down on my shoulder knowing how my son could have lost his eyesight and how he will be scarred for ever.. but I would have killed it.. sorry

Another update!!::: my son literally went up to the dog with an open palm (a dog that has been around children) this dog was around children for less than 2 years and couldn’t handle it... I have always taught my son the correct way to approach dogs because I saw my sisters face bitten off by a dog!! I have always been careful and taught my children the correct way to communicate with all animals... you ask them today how to approach a dog and they say “slowly, open palm, wait until they express interest..” so I know my son didn’t just grab the dog and try to snuggle!! He definitely went about normal procedures, and was attacked anyways.