Brittany • 30 y/o step mom with blockages in my fallopian tubes. Trying to get preggo

Hi guys, so I found out what my pain was.. I had hydrosalpinx.. they removed another cyst and both my fallopian tubes 6/29.. my husband and I r tryin desperately to have a baby and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is our only option..

my insurance covers everything but the actual insemination so to speak and we have a go fund me to try and raise some money. Please find it in ur hearts to share our story and if u can please donate, even if just a littlw, if our case a little goes a long way.. thank you all for your support through my use of this app, it was fantastic in its estimates, just unfortunately I'll never be one of those lucky ones.. ya kno..

Please also see the photo, if u can't donate ease consider writing to Ellen for us.. we are literally desperate and I do not know how else to spread the word..

Thank you

