My April baby turned out to be a March baby


After being in preterm labour for nearly 3 weeks I went in with contractions again March 27th at 5.30 am. Doctors decided that enough was enough and broke my waters just gone 7am and I was 3cm dilated already. We went for a walk to get things going and within an hour I was back in the room on gas and air as contractions were getting stronger. They checked me at around 8/8.30 and I was 5cms

Within an hour I was up to 8cms still just on gas and air.

After just over an hour I was 10cms and ready to push. At this point I decided I didn’t want gas and air and more and threw it down. I started pushing just after 12mid day and my baby girl was born at 1pm on the dot

They are classing my labour as 4 hours 45mins start to finish. And they were very impressed at the speed and my pain threshold for a first time mum

Baby Girl Amelia Grace Ames

27/03/2019 1pm weighing 8 pounds 2ounces