Speech problem


My August baby still can’t talk 😭he just babbling and not saying any clear words, he is been fine before he could say a few word but not now , he pointed with his finger and engaged very well but he is not doing it now , the speech therapist came to our house for about 10 weeks but she wasn’t really helpful, she referred my son to a paediatrician 6 months ago and he still on waiting list ! He was always on the go but since he started to go to nursery he is much better now , he understand what I am saying ( but not all the time) he reactions to his name and has eye contact, if he wants something he drags my hand and takes me to whenever he wants , I’m really confused I don’t know what to do 🤷‍♂️ i think all this things might because I let him to watch tv since he was only 2 months old 😭😭any advice?