I'm doing it, finally! --Support? Tips? Stories?

Tiffany • Girl mama 💕 Happily Married 💍 RVT 🐾

I'm 23 years old and have NEVER gotten a tattoo before. I've have been tossing around so many ideas and the thought of ACTUALLY doing it for a few years now. On the other hand, my husband is also 23 and has SO MANY tattoos lol.

(Opposites attract 😉)

Well, in just a few days I will FINALLY have a tattoo! Yay!! 😁

I'm very excited but very nervous lol.

(Typical, right?)

I feel like I have pretty good pain tolerance normally. I'm a veterinary technician by day so I'm quite used to being scratched by animals, especially on my arms, so I feel like it won't be AS painful as I'm expecting. My tattoo will be on the inside of my arm, opposite of my dominant side.

I would love to have some support and/or tips because I am still freaking out inside! I keep thinking about it being super painful and it makes me so much more nervous where I am psyching myself out lol 😅

Any tips? Related stories? Support? 😊