Body Modifications!

tattoos, piercings, etc! questions, show them off, regret? advice? anything to do with em.

Creator: bec 🌶

Members: 400,294

Does ____ hurt???

Yes! Piercings and tattoos will always hurt in some way. Everyone, every spot, every artist, every time will be different. A 1-10 number or even a description will not be the same from one person to another. YES your piercing will hurt, for a few seconds, but it will be fine! YES tattoos HURT, but only for a short time. People would not continue to get piercings and tattoos if the pain was too bad. You will be fine!! There are way too many polls and posts about pain. Please try to avoid this! Thank you(: if you want, use THIS THREAD, comment your question about pain here and it will be answered here.

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Last reply Sep 26, 2022


Pain chart I found online👌

Keloids & Hypertrophic Scars: the difference

I've seen so many posts about a little bump on a piercing and people being like "that's a keloid treat it with tea tree oil!"So let me give y'all a little lesson on what i know and have been told:However I AM NOT a professional piercer (I just ask a lot of questions to my own piercer)Hypertrophic scars:I have seen these in real life. They're usually caused by IRRITATION to a piercing. Irritation can be caused by wrong size of bar, not implant grade metal and just being bugged in general. They're VERY common, in fact most people get one. Nothing to worry about. They stay only around the piercing and don't get very big, they can also hurt a little (tender to the touch). Best method is. To use sterile saline solution, or mix your own at home (yes I know Bec and some other girls doesn't agree with this, but this is what MY piercer recommended to me).Do NOT use tea tree oil I really don't recommend it, ESPDCIALLY FOR NEW PIERCINGS. It's extremely hard and drying and may help but also can irritate the piercing even further. Do not use a crushed aspirin paste...Basically: if your piercer doesn't recommend it, don't use it!Keloids:These HUGE LUMPS are keloids. They can extend far past the initial piercing area and will continually grow! YOU CANNOT TREAT THEM AND MAKE THEM GO AWAY AT HOME. If you suspect you have one first go to your piercer and if they agree that it's a keloid you now have to go to the doctor for cortisone shots or some other treatment (my friend told me about her struggle with a keloid). Also: black women and women in general are more likely to develop keloids. Sorry guys! But they are also very uncommon..So basically:If it's just a little bump it can be treated with a salt/saline solution. But if it continues to grow GET CHECKED OUT.And y'all stop referring to hypertrophic scars as keloids. They're not and it is one of my biggest piercing pet peeves!

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Last reply Sep 5, 2021


You are perfectly correct (coming from a professional piercer) very good job you know you stuff girl 💖

✨Material Do's and Don'ts✨

There are many resources online and any piercer would probably be happy to help you out, but here are some important points you should know.✨Plastics✨- Acrylics are never okay to wear in any piercing, especially stretched ears. They are not safe, can cause reactions, itching, etc. Avoid at all costs!- It is extremely difficult to figure out what a piece is ACTUALLY made out of. ✨Metals✨- "Surgical Steel" means nothing. It literally has no standard at all, definitely avoid it. Metals like this can cause allergic reactions as well, can corrode, turn your skin black, etc. - You want to hear or look for "Implant grade" metals, those are safe for all piercings and people.- A good tell for quality in piercings is an 'externally threaded' post. This means that the ball/end has a screw piece attached, and that piece corresponds to a hole in the post/bar. - Always be wary of coloured metals. Most are just painted on, and as a result can chip off, causing reactions and infections. ✨Stone✨- Again, difficult to decipher if a stone is real or just plastic made to look the same- Real stone is fine!✨Wood✨- Not the best for piercings- Again, hard to know which are safe or not- It's a very porous material (can cause infection), and prone to breaking and splintering✨Glass✨- The safest material for stretched ears!✨Tape✨- Generally not okay at all. The adhesive is no good for your body! - Bondage tape is alright as it lacks adhesive✨General Tips✨- Never be afraid to ask your piercer about what your jewelry is made of, the brand, etc. They should always know and be haply to answer- Quality is important when it comes to what you trust in your body- The cheaper the price, the more wary you should be. Cheaper prices typically indicate unsafe materials. - Reactions can come out of nowhere. Just because you haven't reacted to a bad material yet does not mean they are safe or okay. ✨As always feel free to add anything you want in the comments!✨

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Last reply Oct 18, 2022


Titanium > every other metal out there. No one can convince me otherwise.

✨🍒Read BEFORE Entering🍒✨

This is a master post that will be added to as time goes on, feel free to comment on this as well(:-DIY piercings and stick n pokes will not be encouraged in this group! there is truly nothing safe about it🍒ONLINE RESOURCES🍒- 'The Ear Stretching Network' group on Facebook, for all things Mods - QCKND on youtube (tattoo aftercare, planning, culture, etc)- The Modified World on youtube (piercing tips, videos of piercings being done, jewelry education)🍒TATTOOS🍒- The best after care advice will always come from your artist- An original design is always the best design- Tattoos hurt, but the pain is always worth it. - Moisturize!! Anything unscented, aquaphor or bepanthen are great!🍒PIERCINGS🍒- When being pierced, your piercer should always be using a NEW NEEDLE fresh from the package.-The best way to clean a piercing is with plain soap and water OR a premade saline solution. to explain, a piercing is a puncture in your skin. what would you clean a cut with? or what would a doctor recommend for stitches? - Salt is not sterile and will dry out your skin, as well, rubbing alcohol, tea tree oil or peroxide are much too strong and are not recommended for piercings. - Always check and insure on quality of your jewelry- Never rotate or play with your piercings, especially with unwashed hands- Never get pierced with a gun, it should always be a needle. - DO NOT change your piercing before the recommended healing time. This is vital. Your piercing is not ready and will not react well! It's safest to wait longer than you think. 🍒STRECHING🍒- Patience is key!- Always wait a minimum of 3 months between sizes- Do not skip sizes- The safest, proven method of stretching is with the use of plain glass plugs (tapers and taping are very questionable, as the ingredients of tape are unsafe for skin and tapers may cause an uneven and forced stretch)- Never force it! - Massaging lobes daily will help with elasticity

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Last reply Mar 21, 2022


Help please..My piercer told me to use tea tree but I've seen so many say not to?!

Ear piercing at home ??! Help

I’m wanting to re-pierce my second lobe, but I’m not sure if I should.  a while back on my right ear. I used a piercing gun on my second and third lobe piercing on my right ear.  They healed perfectly barely bled if they even blood but then when I pierced my second lobe, I believe I used a needle and I got it through, but it was bleeding quite a bit. It did stop, but I felt like it hurt more than my right one and for some reason, I could feel a small little bump near my piercing. I’m not sure if I had it before I pierced my ear I don’t think I did. As of today, I just tried to re-pierce it, but it was already bleeding and hurting and the ball formed again but now it’s gone I really want it pierced. What are y’all’s thoughts ?

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Last reply Mar 3


Go to a professional and have them pierce it. If you’ve already pierced it at home, go to a professional and get their input on the bump and healing. And don’t try and pierce yourself at home. You’re just damaging tissue and causing more pain and longer healing by forcing needles through your ear instead of using real piercing items.

Piercing pump or keloid

I got my conch pierced in October well since late December i had this bump come up my piercer checked it 2 weeks ago as i got my faux rook done and she said it looked fine and was getting smaller well yesterday it flared right up and is sore i dont know if menstrual cycles can affect or not.i used salt water or neilmed but nothing works.any advice would be great as i dont want to take it out as it my favourite does get dry and crusty an leak now.this big bump

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Last reply Mar 1


I used to be a piercer, if its a pressure bump make a paste with aspro clear and water, put it on at night before bed and it will go away.

Tattoo Infected?

Hey, everyone! 👋 I got this tattoo last Saturday. It’s been a week. I have followed everything my artist has said, I clean it twice a day, and keep aquaphor on it. However, I just noticed this…. Is this okay? Normal? Is it infected? It’s super red around it. It doesn’t sing or itch, it’s just hot to the touch. I reached out to my artist and asked him but have yet to hear a response back. Help? 😭

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Last reply Feb 24


Did you get this done in a shop by a licensed artist?? Your skin could be rejecting the ink. It's also possible whoever did this piece for you used expired ink.

Septum piercing too close to bone? Should I take it out?

I got it pierced 4 days ago. It's healing beautifully for the most part. It moves freely and the skin isn't irritated at all. However, if I barely even tap the tip of my nose, it feels like the ring bumps up against my nose bone. It sends electric like pain up my nose into my sinuses. Is this normal? I'm trying not to panic and I'm trying to chalk it up to 'it's still healing, it was only done 4 days ago'. Before I get people on here shouting at me "oF cOuRsE iT hUrTs, ItS a PeIrCiNg," please keep in mind I'm just a human who's worried that, if I leave this in, I'm going to fuck up my nose. Thanks for any advice 🙏🏻

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Last reply Feb 10


I have a septum , have had it for about 5 years now and I’ve never had that happen, like a shocking sensation. it was tender and sore and maybe a sharp pain if I bumped it but not like a shock mine is like in the middle of my bridge though not super close to the top maybe it’s in the wrong spot idk I’d go back and see them or someone else honestly

Would this be too much?

Thinking about getting my eyebrow pierced and possibly getting snake bites but I’m worried I’d be too much. Opinions??Update!⭐️⭐️I ended up getting my Monroe and eyebrow pierced and I really like it! I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I feel more like myself! Opinions??

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Last reply Jan 28


If you did snake bites I’d do them on you tongue they look cool, good for ur sexual relationships and won’t interfere w what u have

Ok mamas/dads

I need some artsy help. I am a special needs mama and would like to get a tattoo for my sons. I need a epilepsy, spina bifida, and autism awareness/support tattoo created for me. I would prefer it not be a ribbon but it can be. If you do not know the colors they are purple, yellow, and colorful puzzle pieces..also only 1 tattoo that incorporates all.

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Last reply Jan 13

is my septum pierced to low?

mind you it hurt really bad so i’m sure its wrong but im scared of infection. should i take it out and get it redone??

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Last reply Dec 24, 2024


You have a rip roaring infection going on there. See a doctor and let that hole close. Work on another one later. You got bigger problems than placement at the moment.

White dots on areola

Are those white dots on areola esp borders look okay? Anyone also have them?

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Last reply Nov 27, 2024


They’re normal, don’t “pop” them, they’re glands and everyone has them.

Serious question!!!

I went to change my nipple piercing and when I did I had stuff coming out of my actual nipple not the sides where the holes are but my actual nipple, they’re not infected or anything I’ve had them almost a year, is this normal????

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Last reply Nov 14, 2024


Yeah it’s just built up stuff from inside the piercing coming out at the available exits of the piercing is blocked. Take them out and clean them frequently and it should be fine

How can I help this bump go away

I’ve had my piercing since June and it’s been a bit of a rough process, there used to be a bump in the back but that went away and now it’s in the front

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Last reply Nov 10, 2024


Let it rest for a little while without anything in it and it should go back to its normal keep it clean also u can get a small little stick off the broom and put it in there to keep it open but you’ll have to leave it alone so it can heal in order for that numb to remove

Are my triple helix piercings placed right

The top one looks too far in on my ear…does it look that way to anyone else

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Last reply Oct 7, 2024


It looks pretty low too me

Took out a lip piercing then this showed up

Is this normal or no

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Last reply Sep 15, 2024


Yeah that can happen. Your skin is irritated. Just watch it and keep the area clean.

Tattoo people!!

I need someone opinion preferably a nurse or doctor. okay so I got a tattoo last weekend and I think I’m having a reaction to the red ink😭😭 I have steroid ointment but idk if I want to risk using it. It’s like all the red ink came out and it’s puffy sort of but there’s no itching to it.

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Last reply Sep 11, 2024


Professional tattoo artist here! It looks like you are overmoisturising your tattoo. Don't use thick layers of ointment, and do NOT use steroids on your healing ink!Allow it to heal fully and you can ask your tattoo artist's opinion on the end result. It may heal up completely fine.

Tattoo - lotion / cleaning

So I got a tattoo today (not big) I was told to keep the second skin on for 3 days.Then take it off , clean it & put lotion / moisturizer on. But she never told me (& I didn’t think about asking/I forgot to): How many times a day should you clean it & put lotion on it

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Last reply Aug 24, 2024


Hey! So I’m not a fan of the second skin. Will never use it and I am pretty much covered in tattoos. I’m not saying I am an expert but I do have plenty of experience. Dial hand soap is the best for washing, and you’ll want to wash it about two times a day (depending on how dry your skin is- maybe once a day will work better for you). I recommended only putting lotion on once the tattoo starts the peeling/flaking stage. Make sure lotion is not scented as scent will irritate it. And you don’t want to suffocate the tattoo as it is basically a wound. So only put lotion on when your skin is a little too dry. Hope this help dear 💛

Getting my first tattoo!

Getting my first tattoo soon,Placement : above the crease where your arm bends. I’m terrified. Not allowed to use numbing cream. I hate needles. What does it feel like getting a tattoo in that area? Pain 1-10? I’m so scared, it’s my first tattoo. (I know that it’s different for everyone but still lol)

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Last reply Aug 19, 2024


What type of tattoo are you getting? Is it just an outline? Color? Black and white? Solid black?This all changes the experience but it sounds like the placement isn't a touchy spot. I have a tattoo in a similar aria and it wasn't until the thin skin on the inside of the arm that it hurt much.Also are you a female or a male because I've heard that females GENERALLY take the pain better (though there's no guarantee every person is different). I am female so that's where my experience comes from.

questions about tattoos

getting my first tattoo next month & I have some questions. I know that the tattoo artist will tell me what to do but I like to do my research & be prepared lol, but I keep finding / hearing different answers (from both tattoo artists & ppl w tattoos)sooo…1. if they use second skin (which I know the tattoo artist is gonna use it on me):•how long (like how many days or weeks) should u use second skin for? when should you stop putting a new one on & start walking around without anything on?•for how long should you keep it (the second skin) on? Some ppl say 24h, some people say 3 days & some people say that you should wait like 3-5h & take the second skin of when you get home & then put a new second skin on, after cleaning the tattoo with lukewarm water & unscented soap, patting it dry w a paper towel & then putting lotion on (?) - which leads me to the next question: 2. When should you put lotion/moisturizer on your new tattoo? Is it okay to do that the first day(s)? Like let’s say that you’re supposed to take the second skin off after about 3-5h (like we talked about in question #1) are you supposed to / allowed to put lotion on or should you just skip that part when the tattoo is THAT new / fresh. Or should you start doing it after like a week or something? 3. How many times a day should you clean your tattoo? More / random advice (about tattoos)?Thank youuu!!

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Last reply Feb 13


My advice is do not listen to anyone here. Just wait until your appointment and listen to your artist, all artists have different opinions when it comes to healing and what to do. Just follow what they say.