What I should have said

I was talking with my sister in law about how unfair it is for women to live in a society where they constantly have to worry about being assaulted. Like how women shouldn’t dress a certain way, drink to much, or go out alone etc.

and she said “well you (meaning me) shouldn’t draw too much attention to yourself, you’re a very attractive girl and guys want to be around you a lot. You need to me careful.”

And I was so perplexed I couldn’t get what I wanted to say out.

First off, fuck that mentality. Drawing attention to myself doesn’t give any person permission to touch me without my consent. I do not have a sign on my back that says “please put your hands on me”

Second, if a guy puts his hands on me is it my fault because I was drawing attention to myself? It’s my fault if I get assaulted? It’s not my issue that a man finds me attractive, nor should it be my fault if he can’t keep his hands to himself.

I picked out an outfit once with the idea that “he won’t want to assault me if i have all these layers on,” guess what happened? Yeah.

She may have meant well but rape culture and victim blaming is so deeply rooted in people they don’t even realize it.