My ex’s friend is trying to get us back together?


Hey ladies so I’m in an odd situation. My ex and I broke up about a month ago (he broke up with me), it wasn’t a toxic breakup by any means, and we have talked it all out and decided we jumped in too soon, we’re both not in positions currently to hold an ideal relationship, and we want to be friends and get to know one another more before we decide to date again. Great talk! Now, my ex’s friend, without me even asking, is trying very hard to get us back together for sure. Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture because I do! I’m just curious as to why he feels like he needs to do this to try to help? It’s not that he is exactly forcing anything on my ex, but he’ll try to suggest little things about me to my ex that are nice gestures, or try to tell me to do something to kind of make things better with my ex (again, not that they are awful at all but so he can see I care). I’ve never ever had this happen before so I’m a little confused. I’ve asked why he’s doing this and he doesn’t really provide an answer. He will say however that he knows what’s going on in my ex’s head and that what he’s doing is ultimately working in my favor. And I would like to say I became friends with him before my ex! We began to hangout more when my ex and I were talking and it eventually led to us all hanging out quite often and having a good time together. This guy is a genuinely nice friend and he has been nothing short of honest with me about anything. I’m just confused why he would do this to try to help? I feel as though my ex may eventually feel as though his friend is kind of forcing this instead of letting it happen as it happens but I’m not sure. Any advice? Anyone else have a similar situation? And again just to make it clear, I didn’t ask for his help AT ALL.