Anyone purchase a Doppler?

I was thinking about getting a heartbeat Doppler to listen in on baby.... Anyone else get one? What are your thoughts? If you have one and like yours, I'd love to hear recommendations :).
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Posted at
Love my Doppler! I purchased one at about 9 weeks from and got the sonoline B. It totally helps keep me calm on those days that I have a freak out. I definitely recommend getting one! I really only use it once a week or less. 


Posted at
I have a Sonoline B and I love it. My husband said I was wasting my money until I found the heartbeat one night and he shut right up! I use it once or twice a week.


Erin • Sep 18, 2015
They should just listen to us!!


Kas • Sep 16, 2015
When I couldn't find the hb initially, I cried and my hubby was like why did you waste your money. But he shut up too when I found it.


Posted at
I ordered one from Amazon and I love it.  I can hear the baby moving around plus hear the heartbeat.  It also allows you to connect it to a computer so you can record the sounds.  It was $45 and called Womb Music


April • Sep 17, 2015
Just bought this I'm excited! It had great reviews!


Posted at
I have the sonoline B ! I love it.  Mostly inbetween Ob appts and to record. I would recommend getting one. Some are quiet expensive, I purchased mine from ebay new. 


Posted at
I ordered a Sonoline B last week & it will be here tomorrow! Cannot wait!!


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Hoping to get one next month at my baby shower from a family member. We don't have the money to buy one ourselves


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I have the sonoline b. I love it!!!! Worth every penny!!!


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I have a Bebe sounds one that someone gave me and it sucks I'm 18 weeks and can't find anything and I try every night and I know exactly where my baby is laying 


Posted at
I have a sonoline B and it's wonderful because I'm high risk and a nervous wreck. I use it like every other day just to check on her real quick and she runs from it but it is reassuring.


Javonda • Sep 17, 2015
Isn't it great!! and a good price too. I started using it at 12 weeks.


Ali • Sep 16, 2015
Same one I have! I heard baby's heart beat at 9 weeks 5 days


Patricia • Sep 16, 2015
At how many weeks can you use it


Posted at
Read everyone's comments and just put in my order for sonoline B can't wait 


Danielle • Sep 17, 2015
Me too, Patricia! How much did you pay for yours? I ordered one on eBay for $35, free shipping. Hope it's worth it!