My baby is rarely happy, what can I do? :(.


Iv had this issue for well over a month now. He screams during his feeds. He will scream for the bottle then scream when he has the teat in his mouth. It can take us 3/4 hours to settle him in the evening. We’ve tried different feeding positions, Iv changed formulas, I try massaging him and nothing has changed. It’s not wind as I know what he’s like when he’s windy. No one can tell me what’s wrong with him.

When he’s awake 80% of the time he just whines and winges and it’s a fighting battle to keep him happy. Can try swaddling him, cuddles, playtime and these rarely work.

Someone’s suggest he could be teething. He’s only 12 weeks old today. I thought the issue would ease in time but it’s getting worse.

I appreciate any answers Thankyou x