9 wks


This is our first child, I have PCOS that was discovered late in my life. I was 26 when I found out and now at 33 am finally blessed with our little bundle of joy after 5 years of fertility issues. I was so shocked when I took the home test and found out it was positive, not wanting to get my hopes up I scheduled an appointment with my PCP and had them to blood test to confirm, but I don’t think it really sunk in until I saw this picture. We are excited, happy, scared and nervous all at once. We had tired different treatments and nothing seemed to be working, this last year we stepped back and decided to take a break for a year. I had changed OBGYNs and had just seen her for my pap, not even 2 wks later we had made a baby unknown to us lol. I hadn’t been feeling great for a few weeks and thought my vitamins where out of wack again, because that happed a few years ago, I decided to still take a pregnancy test because I was late. But, those who have PCOS know that your periods are never right on time... words can’t explain how I felt when almost immediately it was positive. I guess I’m trying to say is, sometimes you need to take a step back and let nature work the way it suppose to and not stress over it, as soon as I did this happened.