Did my husband just call me fat?


About a year before I got pregnant, I was down to my lowest weight, 164. I began gaining weight again and then my pregnancy starting weight was 198. I’m currently 212 and 25 weeks. Today, my husband was looking into my eyes (what seemed sentimental) and then pulls out his phone and says “look how tiny you were in this picture” showing me a picture of when I was at my lowest weight.

I felt so crushed. There’s no denying I’ve gained 40+ pounds since that picture. When he saw I was upset, all he could do was get mad at my reaction and say that he didn’t mean it like that and “you’re pregnant. I just meant you looked skinny in this picture. You looked fine before you were pregnant”

And the worst part is that I’ve been very open with him about how I’ve had a hard time dealing with my body changing and gaining all this weight back. My clothes don’t fit. I can’t afford a new wardrobe. It’s just been very hard on me mentally.

Wtf dude😞