Advice needed please

Okay so me and my ex broke up when I found out I was pregnant 8 months ago, we already have a child together. Since breaking up he hasn’t been acting as a father should. He’s seen it LG 4 times in that 8 months (by his choice)

Anyways it’s his birthday at the end of April and I’m wondering whether or not it makes me petty not buying him a card or present as he hasn’t been a dad to our children since we broke up but then at the same time I don’t want to be the one that seems bitter and not get him anything when I don’t believe he should be appreciated as a ‘dad’ when he has done nothing for either of our children. He hasn’t been to any of my babys midwife apps or scans either despite being invited.. so Idk what to do I’m in two minds.. what would you ladies do in my situation?