Rage Inducing Lady Bonder


So for the past 4 or five days I've had this intense lady boner and it isnt going away! What I mean by lady boner is basically I've been horny freaking all the time and I'm pretty sure if I had a penis, I'd have a hard on. Luckily I will never know, but this is straying from the point.

The point is I can't get rid of this. I don't have any toys (nor am I legally able to purchase any for another 3 weeks at least) and what I can do for myself without them isn't cutting it. I can't exactly just find someone to have sex with considering the only guys who I'd be willing to sleep with are no longer willing to sleep with me and vice versa.

It's so frustrating because it's like 5 times worse when I even see this one friend of mine! I gave him a high five and I literally had to hold myself back from attacking him in front of the entire cafeteria! It's crazy!!!! Someone help 😭