Depressed, frustrated, alone

Ashley • Rainbow Baby Girl 🌸 Due July 16, 2020🌈 4/23/19👼

Currently 6 weeks pregnant and I’m having a very hard time not just physically, but emotionally. My husband has been there for me to the best of his ability, but I feel like I need female guidance. Somebody who understands what I’m going through and can be there for me. I have nobody. My grandma is gone, my aunt has never had kids and my mom (despite begging for grandkids) has not been there for me whatsoever. Hasn’t asked me how I’m doing, how I’m feeling, how she can help or anything. I feel so alone and down. I already have issues with depression and this is just killing me inside. My mom has been fighting with my husband too which is stressing me out and bc of her issues with him I’m put in the middle. And she has not been there as I feel a mom should. Am I expecting too much? Am I being dramatic? I seriously need a surrogate mom or something to get me through this. This is so hard :( any words of wisdom or advice would be very appreciated.