Proud mommy!!


I went In Sunday to start getting medicine to help dilate since I wasn’t doing it on my own. When they hooked me up I was already having contractions it was still at 1cm, Monday morning I had to have a balloon put in which only had one tube of water in it, I stayed at 1 till about late Monday afternoon I finally started dilating and got to 5 around 6 and I got my epidural finally around 5 am Tuesday morning they came in to check me and I was at six but they broke my water while checking me. I started calling everyone and they started heading up to the hospital by 6:11 am April 2 I had my beautiful baby girl. I hemorrhaged when they was pulling my placenta out witch didn’t come out all on its own so my doctor had to dig that out. I have second degree tears and literally the worst part was healing from hemorrhaging and having another ballon in (this one had SEVEN tubes of water in it!!) I also had a catheter in because I couldn’t get out of bed.

(I tried to shorten my birth story but I think I might have rambled more than anything so if it’s all over the place I’m sorry)

Anyways meet miss Bristol-Paislee Marie Richardson

Born at 6:11am April 2nd

Weighing 6lbs 11oz and 19in

She’s definitely the love of my life and has everyone wrapped around her finger!❤️❤️