Finally, my turn

Finally, my turn!!😍

Short & sweet birth story

Introducing my little man..

💙Eli Michael Stephenson💙

⏰ 6:27am

🗓 05.04.19 (due 04.04.19)

8pounds on the dot & 51cm



Waters broke at 10:45pm Thursday night, got to the hospital by 11:30pm as they asked me to come in for a check up & we'd see how we go from there.

Was very busy as a couple ladies needed emergency c-sections & birth suite was full so I was given a room & got comfortable.

By 330am i was having constant contractions, asked for gas.

5:45am was 9cm & needed to push..

& before i knew it, few mins before 6:30am there he was in my arms.

First time mum, back labour with 1 stitch. 3.5hrs labour from start to finish with just gas.. was home by 3:30pm same day. Midwives said i am a trooper haha. Goodluck mummas to be, this is the most amazing experience of my life😊💞