Need help :( large ovarian cyst 21 weeks

Cera • 23 years old, first pregnancy :)
I need some advice from moms who have had large ovarian cysts during pregnancy, this is my first pregnancy but I have had this ovarian cyst 6cm for over a year, I thought it was gone but they found it again on my early scan and now again from my 20 week scan it looks to have either grown to 7cmx10cm or just looks that way bc of the way the baby was pushing on it. I go back during 26-28 weeks for another scan to see if it changed, I haven't had any pain, bleeding, cramping nothing from the cyst thus far but I'm worried about the implications of it gets bigger or if it ruptures. I don't want it to cause any harm to my baby and I've heard conflicting info. My first Obgyn told me to forget I even had the cyst and not to worry about it, I had to switch doctors and this one tells me it'll have to come out no matter what whether it be during pregnancy or after it depends on how I start feeling as I get bigger and farther along (note: I'm only 5'3 and weigh 116 so I'm very small framed) . What have you done about a large cyst during pregnancy? Did you have to get it removed? Did it cause any harm to the baby or complications having the surgery? If you didn't have surgery were they able to just remove it after giving birth  and did it affect labor at all? If it's not causing pain am I better off just leaving it alone and not opting for the surgery? I'm very scared :(