am i an evil human?

my boyfriend has become more of a burden than a blessing. i don’t know if it’s me in the wrong or him. if i try to talk about something i have a problem with i’m “making everything about myself”. and i’ve been depressed for a while but i usually don’t talk about it. recently it’s just been getting too much so i decided to try and talk to him about it. he told me my life is too good for me to be depressed and my reasons for being depressed are “invalid” and i’m just being dramatic. a part of the reason i’m depressed is family issues. he says that i need to stop worrying about them because i’m more worries about them than our relationship. it’s quite hilarious because i’m always blowing off my family for him. he doesn’t ever see anything he does wrong. i’m always the one at fault. it’s so frustrating. he’s always “calling me out” on my “attitude”. usually i don’t even have an attitude and if i do, something of reason causes it. i say sorry for it when i do have one, but when i don’t it’s like world war three. he gets pissed off because i won’t own up to an attitude i never had in the first place so i end up apologizing for something i didn’t even do. maybe i am just crazy and manipulative and i have no clue what i’m talking about like he says. it’s pretty hard to tell. i don’t even know anything anymore. literally. it all just makes me want to severely hurt myself or kill myself.