Scary phone call from my DR office... Should I have done or said something?

Ashley • Badass mom to 2 boys and expecting a girl December 2019

I recently found out around 2 wks ago that I am pregnant with my 3rd child. Im only 5 weeks as of yesterday so obviously I had to get blood tests to make sure my hcg levels were rising. So i went to my OBGYNs office, which I should add is a new office for me because I moved in September 2018. I got 2 blood tests last week and after the second test they called me to tell me everything looked good and my levels were going up the way they should then we made my first prenatal appointment..

So yesterday, a nurse from the Dr office calls me to tell me I need to come back and get another blood test. I told her I already had 2 last week how come I need another one? She told me "we need another test so we can make sure your levels go back down all the way to 0". When she said that I stopped getting my kids ready for school and said "uhm excuse me? Back to 0 why would that happen? I'm confused" she explained the same thing to me again and I finally be just asked her "so you mean to tell me I'm not pregnant?" And she proceeded to tell me that No I'm actually not pregnant and that my levels were going lower not higher. I kept telling her that's impossible I took HPT even after the second time I got blood taken and my period still hasn't come. The nurse just said to come in and get the test.

My heart broke into a million pieces and I immediately be started to cry. I held it in as much I could while on the phone and told her I would come in tomorrow (today) and get the test to make sure it was all gone. As soon as I hung up with her I ran into my room so my kids wouldn't see me break down. I called my husband and immediately told him the news I was just told. As I was on the phone with my husband my Dr office was beeping in. I put my husband on hold and answered as quick as I could.....

The nurse called me back to tell me she read my freaking file wrong and that I am indeed pregnant. She said she got confused the way the computer had shown my results, she read it backwards so it looked like my hCg level we're decreasing instead of increasing. She felt SO bad and apologized profusely and re assured me that everything is actually fine I'm healthy and pregnant....they actually just needed another blood test just to make sure my levels were still rising..

I honestly didn't know what to do or say to her I was just so lost and confused and incredibly upset, like I was a blubbering idiot when she called back. I told her it's ok thanks for telling me, but now that I have slept on it, I'm like more mad about it. My husband couldn't believe that they would make such a mistake like that and is upset...Should I have said or done something more?

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