Releived yet concerned


So I spent Monday till 10ish Tuesday in the hospital here. My bleeding returned but this time to a more severe extent. Turns out I have a tear right by where the uterus and placenta are connected. ( How that happened is a mystery to us all. ) In great concern for the baby the hospital refused to release me until my OB gave him clearance to do so. Got home Tuesday on complete pelvic rest with limited mobility restrictions so we didn't risk making the Tear any worse and threatening the baby anymore by separating the placenta. I got in to see my OB today to check on baby and make sure everything was healing, absorbed and that the baby was still healthy. I was extremely concerned and a bit scared that I may not receive a good report 😕 luckily God had other plans. The tear is fine now and most the blood is passed and or absorbed. Although I still might continue spotting for awhile its nothing to worry about unless the spotting turns into a heavy bleed again. Still on limited mobility and still complete pelvic rest for two weeks to make sure all is safe and completely healed. Also baby is doing fine ! Measuring good and still a strong heartbeat! However doctors say the ❤ rate is within normal range, I'm a bit concerned it seems really fast to me! Michael always stayed in the 140s - 150s this baby was 165 two weeks ago and as of today is 175!! Seems high to me, any mom's out there or anyone who knows of fetal heart rates know if 175 is normal??? I'm so worried baby may be under some unknown stress that's causing an increase in heart rate.