A change that caused self love


A little background about the pictures and the post itself; the photo on the left was taken in the fall of 2014 with myself and my ex fiancé and the photo on the right was taken not to long ago. My ex left me a month ago for another woman which ended our engagement and when it all happened I had never felt more hurt, lied to, cheated, and betrayed in my life but here I am a month later and I'm doing better every day.

Now, if someone told me a year ago about where I'd be at right now and all of the changes that had taken place recently, I don't think I'd believe them because I thought my life was set and that it wasn't going to change, but boy I was I wrong. When I look at these two pictures, I see two totally different people; on the left is a girl who thought she had it all figured out, who was naive, innocent, dependent on a boy, and who was unbroken... then on the right I see a woman who's been broken yet bounced back, who is no longer a naive little girl, who's learned how to be dependent on herself, I see a woman who has finally learned to love and accept herself because she's finally realized she doesn't need anyone's love or acceptance as validation of her worth.

Yes change isn't easy to deal with, but because of this huge change I can genuinely say that ya I'm finally happy.

I've finally learned how to love myself and I hope that if there are any women, or men, out there who are struggling with self love, that while the process to getting to this point isn't easy, it is possible.