FTM Advice.

A • Mommy of 2!! Baby 2 arriving 12/22🥰

Ok so I posted s little bit ago asking about a 5+2 ultrasound, and what you could even see at that point.

So my OB is watching me closely because I miscarried back in October. I had some cramping with this pregnancy so I went to the ER & had a transvaginal on Sunday, and then another with my OB on Tuesday. He wants me to come back in next Friday for another. I’ll be 5 weeks and two days then. I’m thinking I should wait one more week until I’m 6 weeks that way I may be actually able to see something.

My numbers rose pretty well, more than doubled.

What do you guys think? I want to go and hopefully get good news to ease my mind and see a sac. But I also don’t want to keep pointlessly shoving things up my vag so early on. Should I wait? Should I go ahead and go in?