Druggy neighbours

We have a 16 month old and I am currently 29 weeks pregnant.

We live in the UK.

We have an issue with our neighbours. We are pretty sure they arent just smoking weed but growing it too. And we think they are growing it in the middle bedroom which is joint to our daughters room. Her room smells so bad of it and it's even starting to make our hall, stairs and landing smell too. Its constant. We have informed our landlord who has tried to get in touch with their landlord but with no luck and we keep informing the police all the time but no one can do anything about it so they only option we have is to move house. I dont want to move in love my house but it's not fair on my daughter to be breathing it in all the time. We were planning on moving her bedrooms to the back room but it's being prepped for decorating so no state to be slept in but will be done by time the baby is here as the new baby will be having her old room but we cant put a baby in there at just a few months old when it stinks like that it's bad enough my daughter has to sleep in there. I dont want to move yet or even at all but I'm coming round to accepting it. The problem we have is do we move before the baby is born or after? Will I be heavily pregnant or in recovery? I dont know if I have to have a c-section yet either as i have a low placenta i have another scan in 5 weeks to confirm if its moved enough for a natural birth.

My fiance tells me not to worry and I'm not expected to do anything either way just unpack a few boxes if I feel I can if not just leave him and family to do it all. It's all just come at the wrong time. I think we would be best off moving before the baby is born so we can be settled and normal and settle in out daughter before they baby is born rather than dealing with a distressed toddler and baby and a new house. I just dont know the best way to go around it other than kick out my neighbours and we can stay but that's not an option because there is not enough evidence so the police cant do anything about it we just have to suck it up - literally.

Sorry for the long post just need to rant.