Coming OFF of the combination pill after 7 years.

So, I’ve been on the combination pill (more specifically, Yaz) for 7 years.

The reason I am coming off of the pill is to see whether it improves my physical health (I have several very severe debilitating physical chronic illnesses) and also my mental health (I have several very severe and chronic debilitating mental illnesses). I do my best to manage and live as functional of a life as I possibly can. I reject being dependent on others generally because I just want to do as much as I can on my own but, there are times I have no choice whatsoever because I become so unwell that I need hospitalisation. I am married. We still use other forms of birth control. I am fertile but I choose not to have children. I am doing this for my overall health. I am tracking every day and I am being incredibly careful with everything [including myself] and taking care of myself.

I am wondering whether anyone has any experience coming OFF of the pill? It would be great if anyone had any experience coming off of Yaz. I was initially put on Yaz specifically for very severe Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, hormonal acne and extremely heavy bleeding during my period by a specialist gynaecologist. I had also tried many different hormonal birth control pills, patches, injections ect. prior to Yaz (the combination pill) and all were very unsuccessful and made me worse physically and mentally. They didn’t work at all. My only other option at the time I started Yaz was the Mirena IUD. My gynaecologist would have had to schedule the procedure to be done under anaesthetic by an anaesthetist because, I am personally *extremely* narrow and also, I have and am diagnosed with extremely severe and chronic PTSD; one of the conditions I unfortunately have to manage my entire life because of its extreme and absolutely debilitating severity. Anyway, trust me personally when I say my period is a very good indicator of my physical health also; if I don’t bleed whatsoever even when on the pill, for me, something is seriously wrong because my cycle is normally very predictable and not even spotting AT ALL is my own body basically telling me, “you’re fucked up”.

I did not spot at all this past cycle and no, I’m not pregnant. Yes, I am very physically unwell and extremely stressed.

Holy shit, this is a long ass message..

Anybody have personal experience coming off of Yaz or the combined pill?

What is your personal experience because I understand every woman is different.

I want to know what I’m personally like without these synthetic hormones in my system because, honestly, I’m coming off of Yaz because, it’s making my physical and mental health MUCH WORSE.

Please, if anyone has been on Yaz, what has been your personal experience with it? On it? What are your personal experiences off of the birth control pill, in general?