
Hey all! I am 32 years old and my husband and i have been ttc baby number 2 for a year. Our son was actually an oops, and was the best oops to have ever happened. Before he was born my periods were very regular. 28 days.  And I could pin point ovulation. (Our son happened on a very wild night and we disregarded the <a href="">ovulation calendar</a>. :-) ) I breastfed for a year and got my period back at that time. Now our son is almost two and the past 10 months, my period cycles have been all over the map. 40 days, 25 days, 30 days etc. I am an avid runner (ran thru out my first pregnancy)  and am gluten free so I consider myself pretty healthy. but I also tried going dairy free bc I'm so desperate. Still with out any luck, About 5 months ago I started using ovulation prediction kits. It turns out I'm ovulating too soon after my period so my follicles can't properly mature and according to my OBGYN clomid will help regulate my ovulation cycles. Has anyone tried it? Did you have twins bc of it? Any side affects? I never even took birth control so I'm weary of taking anything?