Baby boy names!


I am 20 weeks with my third child. I already have a boy, Taisun (pronounced like Tyson) and a girl, Nahla. Since we already have one of each, we are letting the gender of this one be a surprise at birth!

We have finally agreed on a girl name, Kennedy, but can’t for the life of us come up with a boy name.

I have had many many suggestions and have googled names but None are jumping/standing out at me. (I had this problem with a girls name too until I came across Kennedy a couple weeks ago!)

I’m kind of praying it’s a girl because I don’t want to end up panicking at the hospital to come up with a name for my baby if it turns out to be a boy!

The baby’s last name would be Lindsey and I want Lee for the middle name (my dads middle name), any names anyone wants to throw out there to try to spark my interest? lol thanks in advance!