External Cephalic Version

My baby is still a frank breech at almost 35 weeks. My doctor is recommending we attempt an ECV at around 36 weeks to try and turn her head down. I am scared of this because of the risks to the baby and the pain involved. I know the risks are very small, but it is still scary. There will be people on standby in case she needs to be delivered by emergency C-section.
My husband is a doctor so he is going with whatever is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and they recommend attempting this procedure. He isn't much help in deciding from an emotional point of view.
My question is what would you do? Would you attempt it? Or just wait and see if she turns on her own, and if not, schedule a C-section.
(Having the baby vaginally breech is not an option as this is a military hospital and they won't consider it)
Thanks in advance for your input!

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