Ary's birth story . I wish I could of carried her longer .

This is my beautiful daughter Ary she was born at 34 weeks .  She tried to come at 30 weeks but Drs stopes my labor. At 33 weeks she had no amio fluid left I was sent to the hospital to monitor her with lots of fluids.  After she emptied her bladder she had a 2x2 pocket of fluid. At 34 weeks they found that I had a high leak and they induced.  After the third day I made it to 4 cm and got a epidural. Ary did not come in to the world till the next day when I went in to labor while I was sleeping and my water broke. By the time my nurse can my daughters head was already half way out.  I didn't even have to push the dr was able to just slide her the rest of the way. She is in the nicu and doing awesome. She is so close to graduating out of the incubator. And has been trying to breast feed but has started taking a bottle today . If she can do that for a day her ng tube and iv will be pulled in the next day or two. She was able to stop her antibiotics 2 days after birth . And is being treated for jaundice. Herder is confident she will he coming home by the weekend if she keeps progressing as fast as she is. Happy 5 day 
birthday Ary .