Trusting In His Timing❤️

Sandy • Wife 👑 🌈 Due April 2020

So hubby and I have been trying actively for about two years to conceive. We got pregnant the first time about four months after we got married in 2017, we ended up having an ectopic pregnancy at 5weeks (had laparoscopy, two rounds of methotrexate AND a d&c)👀....of course being our first pregnancy and because of all the complications- that was an absolute horrible experience; Needless to say we were traumatized. I was depressed for months. About 10 months later we conceived again and had a VERY EARLY miscarriage at about three/four weeks (I found out I was pregnant when I went to the ER for very strong cramps and spotting)....we continued to try naturally. I bought ovulation predictor kits every month, tracked my cycle and prayed like never before!!!! Ahhhhh, I just wanted to be pregnant and become a mother. I felt like my body was failing me.....I felt like I had failed my husband as a wife and as a woman....“ Although Of course he reassured me, and was an amazing support system throughout the whole journey .” I could feel myself falling into depression. Nothing felt the same anymore. I had never before felt such hopelessness, it was sooo scary feeling that way! I am a woman of faith and have always been an annoyingly optimistic person, so feeling hopelessness was not something I was used to.

Even after going through all that, my faith grew stronger. Whenever I felt that depression creeping up on me, those feelings of fear and anxiety....I knew that i was not fully trusting God to do what He said He would do. I learned that fear is of the enemy, and that God has His own divine timing for everything. So, I decided to truly trust Him and kept myself sane by getting prepared for His promises.

I had heard of Fertility Acupuncture before from an OB nurse at my clinic after My Ectopic and decided to give it a try. I had discussed with my husband that if we did not conceive on our own by the end of 2018 that I wanted to start fertility medication, but before I did that I really wanted to exhaust all of the natural routes I could and take herbal supplements. I found a fertility acupuncturist in a near by city that had AMAZING reviews and set up a consult. I’ve been seeing her for two months and she has taught me so much about my body, and my condition (I have PCOS). She also has prescribed us some Chinese herbal supplements that were really able to get be back cycling again and helped me relax. (Stress is a big factor when trying to conceive) which I’m sure you all know. The acupuncture itself is very relaxing and soothing and helps to get blood circulation where it needs to go. She helps people that are trying naturally and also that are doing <a href="">IVF</a>.

We have not conceived just yet. Her basis is 2-3months, and we are just about to begin our third month. But no matter what you try ladies. It will only happen in God’s timing. Something that is hard to accept at times because it means that we aren’t in control. So......I’m still trusting. I’m still believing. I am his covenant people and by His stripes I am healed. I will get pregnant soon, because I do have favor and I do have faith. I will soon have a grand testimony.