Rainbow Baby is on his way tomorrow🌈


Well ladies my Rainbow Baby has decided he’s coming early. My baby has been breech my entire pregnancy due to me having a bicornuate uterus so a C-section has always been on the table. I finally got a date bringing his due date from the 3rd of May to the 26th of April. On Friday afternoon (37 weeks exactly) I got sudden loss of vision, the worst headache I have ever gotten and I went completely numb in my face and arms. My partner and I went straight to the hospital and after hours of testing they admitted me for preeclampsia. My blood pressure went from my usual 100/80 to 160/90. They instantly started me on medication to lower my blood pressure but also mentioned that it will give me severe migraines (which it did). I got told several different things by several different doctors about what the plan will be and if we are going to deliver early (which with me having severe anxiety that’s all I wanted was for him to come out safe) after 2 and a half days of taking this medication twice a day and constantly battling severe migraines I finally broke down and had a complete meltdown and freak out and all I wanted was for him to come out. I will add that I have had a pretty traumatic pregnancy the whole way through so hence the meltdown after only 2 days. The next day I had a doctor come straight in and tell me that this will be my last day of pregnancy and I will be holding my son in my arms tomorrow. I am so over the moon and can not wait to meet my little rainbow baby. So far he’s weighing in at about 6lbs at 37 weeks and 2 days.

Good luck to all you ladies and I hope you all get to meet your babies soon ♥️💙🌈