How bad was/is your first trimester?

laney • Happily married 6-24-17, mom to one fur baby ❤️ our little boy coming this thanksgiving 💙

So I’m almost 8 weeks and I’ve been absolutely miserable for the past 2 weeks. I can’t sleep through the night, and even when I do it doesn’t feel like it. I’m dead tired all the time. I haven’t been able to do anything around the house. I get up to go to the bathroom, then I have to lay down. I can barely stand up long enough to take a shower. The lack of energy is probably due to not being able to eat. I have nausea that lasts all day and zero appetite. I have an especially strong aversion to solid foods. All I can get down are fruit smoothies and Boost shakes. The fatigue and nausea has caused me to miss work, whether I leave early or just skip the whole day. It kind of forced my hand to tell my supervisor earlier than I would have liked too but she’s been very understanding, so at least there’s that. What was your first trimester like? I know it varies from person to person and even from pregnancy to pregnancy, but does it sound ‘normal’ to be feeling so constantly sick and missing so much work? I can’t even get myself out of bed most days. I’d just like to hear what some other women experienced. Thanks!