Breastfeeding advice needed


I need advice, encouragement, something. Long story, sorry.

Baby girl was born 5w 2d ago and weighed 7lbs. When we left the hospital she weighed 6l s 10oz.

At her 2 day old doctors appt I watched them weigh her and she was at 6.04 so 6lbs 4oz, right?

When we got home, I noticed that her weight was noted at 6lbs 14oz which is odd because that's not what I had read. I didn't think much of it.

Anyways, baby eats fine, latches well (as far as I know, no pain and she's happy), and has at LEAST 6 wet/dirty diapers a day. I mean she has big yellow poops nearly every time she eats.

The problem is that we went to her 1 month appointment and they noted that she weighed 7lbs 5 oz. Doc is concerned because from fhe 6lbs 14 oz THEY noted that's not a good weight gain at all. However from the weigh I saw, its a 1lb gain. Do nurses make mistakes?? She mentioned supplementing and I really don't want to! She's grown 1.5" and her head is bigger as well.

I mentioned to the doc that she had been fussy, sleepy, and eating alot the day before and that I thought maybe she was having a growth spurt.

Doc said the supplementing thing and then asked how much I get from pumping. I don't pump often because I'm a sahm and don't really need to. When I do I get about 1oz per breast. She said that my milk QUALITY might be poor. She also said she might not be getting enough. She also said "by now most babies cheeks have filled out" and I was slightly dumbfounded. She has full cheeks but isn't chubby. Her dad and myself were not chubby babies and he's very naturally thin.

I drink a smoothie daily with flaxseed, oats, cashews, brewers yeast, and blueberries. I've been eating lactation cookies. When we get up in the morning my breasts are hard and full.

It seems like my supply dwindles at night? I had her dad giver her a 3oz bottle at 10pm so I could pump to see how much I'd get. I only got 1oz per breast. I went to feed her at 2 am and she was fussy and crying and just wanted cuddles and not to eat. We retried at 3 am and she ate for about 10 min and then was fussy and pulling off me. When I tried to self express nearly nothing came out. Out of desperation I gave her a bottle with the 2oz I pumped earlier and she only drank 1oz and is now sleeping happily.

I'm in a panic over my supply and couldn't help crying when I gave her the bottle. I don't know if the nurse was wrong and she gained a pound and if thats good, or what to think.

She's a happy baby mostly all the time. Any advice on how to increase supply, stop panicking, anything?