Help was this assault and just need some support

I was 14.

Me and my partner had argued due to him cheating I had stormed of and agreed to go on a walk with 2 friends (boys) we hung around all the time, so we start walking and we are flirting and we’re getting abit to close and he tells me to touch his penis and I do ( I was fine with all of that) but then he keeps trying to put his hand down my trousers and finger me I tell him no ( I’m in a relationship and I was going to try to work through it but I also wanted him to feel a bit of the pain I felt) he then manages to get his fingers inside me and I say no our other friend drags him off and says she said no!! The lad then smells his fingers I felt so dirty and I go home! And me and my boyfriend break up and I don’t tell him what happened

I told a friend a day later but I honestly didn’t really know what to call it she then says that’s assault she tells another friend and then later that day my friends knock my door ex was there and I tell them.

Me and my ex got back together we are now married with three kids, I’m now 20 I never told my parents only the friends know and My husband, I haven’t seen him since he moved out of town not long after, well we have been invited to a wedding he’s going to be there and I don’t know how I’m going to feel. I know that it’s not bad compared to some people’s experiences but I haven’t got anyone to vent to, was this assault or am I in the wrong? thank you x