HELP , Life shattering

I found out I was pregnant by my fiancé who is on duty in SC by a home test 2 days ago , very positive and had taken at least 6. Some clear blue and some dollar store. All positive, I was planning on making an appointment for Monday since I knew I was pregnant at least 10 weeks along! Since he came up for Xmas leave and left January we did the baby dance then. I found out I was pregnant On April 12 which was a Friday so I decided to make an appointment for Monday, until Sunday came along. I woke up at 6 am in the morning because I just wasn’t feeling right and felt off , this is however my first pregnancy so I thought

the nausea and pain was normal until I sat down to pee whipped and noticed dark brown spotting , I got a little nervous so I decided to head to the hospital at 7am , I got to the ER and they had me pee into a cup, at that time I noticed bright red blotchy blood trickling, so I was called back drew some blood and did a whole lot of testing approximately 6 hours I waited for results, when they came back the OB had told me that I am 13 weeks along with a reputed right Fallopian tube due to ectopic pregnancy

and was internally bleeding my risk of death was very high and they had to operate a “Keyhole“ surgery immediately, so I went straight back to Pre-op and they got me prepared, I said my goodbyes to my “wolf” (is what we were calling the baby). The hardest part was telling my fiancé who is miles and miles across the country who one day was proud to be a father to getting a call after my surgery, we are both going through a very tough time please send your prayers. And if your squeamish look away