37 Week Appt !


So i went to my 37W appt today.

I thought i would have some progress as this is my 3rd pregnancy, 3rd child.

Absolutely no effacement, cervix is still thick and way up there but it's soft.

Baby hasn't dropped/engaged at all. Still hanging out high.

I know it means nothing. But it's discouraging as I've been having LOTS of BH and pelvic pressure. He likes to flip around a lot as well... joy.

I have been doing EPO, 1250 Orally and 1250 Vaginally.. nothing.

Tried dates, yoga ball, walking, sex, nipple stimulation.. All has done nothing for me. Maybe I'm doing it wrong or not taking enough?!

I do have a membrane sweep scheduled for the 23rd at 9AM hopefully that works, but I'm doubting it at this point 😪😞

My induction is scheduled for 8AM on the 28th. We're hoping to get spontaneous labor going but I'm not too hopeful at this point.

Any suggestions ladies?

*I'm just trying to prepare my body (if i actually induce, GREAT, if not at least i can give my body a head start*