Can my placenta become low lying again? On top of babys head in 3D ultrasound


So at like 20 weeks I had a low lying placenta and it fixed itself pretty quickly. I'm almost 29 weeks now and I went to go get a 3D ultrasound.

First the lady asked if it was my first so I had yes. And then she was like are you having a csection or vaginally? I thought it was a weird question to ask because no one has csections planned unless they HAVE to have one.

But his face was a little blurry on the top because the placenta was right on top of his head. He is also facing downwards like he's suppose to... So if the placenta is over his head could it be "low lying" again? I'm paranoid.

I see the nurse today for a shot so Im gonna mention it. I wont get an official ultrasound from my doctor again until 34 weeks.