I don't want my marriage to end

Firstly, He cheated.

We have 3 kids.

I keep thinking if i leave how can I care for the kids? I cannot drive due to certain health conditions, how will I get them to appointments? But them food? Without him I lose ALL that.

You could suggest family but I really have none and I have no friends

I feel...utterly screwed

He said if divorce were to happen he would kick me out on the streets.

He keeps the house which is a martial assest it was bought AFTER we got married. I told him he cannot do that, The courts would have to decide who gets the house/kids. As for the kids good luck with the assualt charges you had for a minor that was 2 months old. The courts would decide in my favor. He said I am a liar, he can do what he sees fit, fuck the courts, The charges were from 2009 he did his time. etc

Than I think if we do divorce idk what to do

Would someone lov me? He makes it seem like I will never find anyone better than him, he thinks he is a pretty good guy..

I'm at a loss....