He doesn’t want the baby

Hi, I’m writing on here because I’m 19 and pregnant. My parents recently found out and it was not good at all, I got the worst reactions out of my parents, my mom always told me that if I got pregnant to not tell her and go get an abortion. And my dad nearly destroyed everything in the house. I really want to keep my baby and my boyfriend who I’ve been with for 3 years says it’s not a good idea and not a smart decision. I made an appointment to terminate my baby and it’s 2 weeks from now which is really hard for me. I’ve tried to talk with my boyfriend about keeping it and he doesn’t want too, I just don’t think I will be able to do it myself without his support. But I don’t want to get rid of my baby! I still love at home so keeping the baby there would not be okay due to how my parents feel about me keeping it. My mother nags me everyday to see if a new date for the termination is available. I know that I have 9 months and I can get my stuff together and move out but not on my own. I also feel like this is ruining my relationship and making me feel disconnected from my boyfriend. He always tells me he wants to marry me and we always talk about life together.. but he won’t take this on with me. I need advice :( I think I’m 8 or 9 weeks pregnant and I haven’t been to the doctors, I just don’t know what to do