

How do you explain to your SO that you are physically and emotionally drained. I have extreme nausea, insomnia, yeast infections, I am super sensitive to smells, my hormones are all over the place, and I am barely able to consume more than crackers and other small handfuls of things without throwing up. It's been miserable and I feel worthless because I am struggling keeping up with housework and grocery shopping/cooking(omg the smells...).

He's picking up a lot of voluntarily overtime, so not only do I barely see him, but the house is getting out of control. When he has been home he still wants me to cook for him- I literally spent the last 45 minutes telling him how hungry I was (and what I was craving...but that's another story) and he just kept saying "we have rice and green beans."

I am feeling so hurt and not supported at all right now. Thank goodness for his mother-she comes over about once a week and helps me get the house back into shape. Without her, I would 100% be going crazy right now.