Gender reveal anxiety.


My boyfriend really wants a girl, but I know he will be happy either or. Healthy and happy!

But, his mom, wants a girl. I mean REALLY wants a girl.

All of these factors are making me lean towards a girl, although all my life I have wanted a little boy. (I was also a nanny of 3 boys, so a lot of experience with that) So I know I’ll be happy either way. I can picture the “pros and cons” of both. So I’ll be giddy either way! Only reason I’m leaning towards girl, is because my boyfriends excitement for a girl is so adorable

However, I am so worried about having a gender reveal and everyone is like “oh.” If/when it comes out blue.

Anyone else experience disappointment of family members? Or do you feel/have experienced that people are happy no matter what and will cheer and yell.

I’m seriously concerned. Ha I know I have zero control over it. But all I keep picturing is everyone videoing and the smoke/balloons or whatever comes out blue and everyone is like sad and disappointed.

I’m half tempted to either skip it, although I have always wanted one! Or giving my future mother in law the gender card, so she has time to process it till the party. 😂