Tips for multiage kid bedroom?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

Hey there. So were looking into foster care and of course I want to make it a home. I'm trying to get input/advice for design and rooms.

I keep getting, like, "youre amazing for doing that!" Comments, which are super encouraging and lovely, but I really am looking for some design advice for kids 0-6.

I'm thinking these extendable beds that go short/toddler to twin (if not a crib). A toybin storage and a bookshelf each side of the room. Then a shares space with like a play kitchen, easel, other toys. Dresser sidetable combo and a fun rug

I'm also thinking let them choose their own duvet we could buy like 5 to choose from

Anything I can do/make/look into to make it more homey and welcoming? Our walls are white.