Anyone had a Breast REDUCTION?


I personally have had a breast reduction for medical reasons; I have significant scoliosis and with me, I had A LOT of muscle tissue in my breasts so, that is a huge reason why they were never small. They removed 8lbs of mostly muscle, skin and very little fat.

My chest is still pretty big now but, you cannot compare the size of my chest now to what it was before the surgery because before, they were ridiculously huge.

It’s kind of bitter sweet because, honestly, there are times where I miss it because, well.. the appearance wasn’t the issue. It was not an aesthetic thing at all.

A lot of people thought I was crazy for getting a reduction because, I naturally had the kind of, “perfect” female body to a lot of people; tall, thin, huge tits and many people were very forward in saying I had the body of a barbie doll so, I was also VERY much seen as a piece of meat whenever I went out even fully clothed which also, really bothered me because I hated the attention I got but what they didn’t understand was that it was for medical purposes.

Many people who didn’t know me also would assume my breasts were fake and never believed they were genuinely real lol

Overall, I don’t regret it because it has made a HUGE difference to my physical health, level of pain, mobility and many other significant things.

I miss what they looked like before, yes; I’d be lying if I said I’ve never felt regret about it.