Is this thrush?? updated (YES!)


This is thrush, caught very early on!

My 9 week old just got his 2 month shots yesterday. 3 shots in his legs and one oral for some throw up disease baby’s get. But last night I noticed these white spots in his lips and they are still there this morning, it’s only on his inner lips, not in his cheeks or on his tongue. Can’t wipe them off easily, almost act like dead skin, lose but don’t come off without pulling on them (which I’m not going to do!) could it be from the shots/oral medication? Or from Tylenol? Or is it thrush? What do I do? FTM. Sorry for Blurry pics but he wouldn’t hold still. He’s perfectly healthy otherwise if that helps, he’s in the 40 something percentile. Dr. Yesterday said he’s right on track.