3 baby showers! 🤬🙄

Taylor • Wife•👼•Aug19🌈💙•Nov21🎀💜•

Who has 3 baby showers? Like I’m not trying to come off as a brat about it, but I’m not gonna have 3 separate birthday parties because of people who can’t do things together!!! I thought it was bad enough to have 2 showers and now it’s gonna be 3! The only date that works is 2 weeks before I’m due and I’m not trying to be around a ton of people! 2 weeks before I’m due I wanna have the nursery completely done and nested by then!! Like I’ve never felt so salty in my life. I’d rather not even have the shower and buy our own stuff and be done with it. But apparently that makes me rude. Well then I guess my husband will sit in for me so I can be resting to push the baby out my vagina like that’s if I even make it to my due date! 🤬 Sorry I have no where else to vent because it’s over stupid family’s changing the plans that have been set for months now. Cause you know it’s summer and we (as in us and everyone else who has their own families) have tons of other summer life going on.