
I’m 17 days away from giving birth to my rainbow baby and I have never felt so alone in my entire life. My husband and I got into a huge argument because he says he’s “focusing” on himself but he’s been acting very different and disrespectful towards me. We haven’t talked much since Friday and I have no idea if he’s going to even come down for the birth of our son (he’s in the military and is stationed 6 hours away). I feel like he doesn’t want to be married anymore but he won’t tell me anything because he doesn’t want to talk to me. I’m freaking out because of how soon I’m going to give birth and if we’re getting a divorce then I need to know now so I can start planning to take care of this baby by myself. I didn’t have a job before I got pregnant because I was in a car accident and was physically impaired so I don’t have any money and I’m currently staying with my mom because of all of the medical problems I’ve had throughout this pregnancy. I’m just stressing out because I know nothing and it’s hurtful that we’re at this point in our relationship and he won’t talk to me about anything. We’ve been together for 7 years, married for 2 of those years and I just don’t know what to do.

Update: This is not our first child, we had a previous loss at 37 weeks in 2017. He will be there for the birth and for about a month after but he doesn’t think I should go back with him to his duty station, so I guess we’re separated now? Not legally but he said “you do you and I’ll do me” whatever that means. He says it’s not that he doesn’t want me and he’s sure he doesn’t want someone else to have me, he just doesn’t know what he’s feeling. He says he thinks the separation isn’t going to last because he’ll miss me, but he’s not acting like he does. I’ve been crying on and off ever since we had this discussion because our baby is due in 2 weeks and we have his best friend’s wedding to go to soon and I have to pretend like my marriage isn’t falling apart...