Am I Overthinking?

Been married almost 2 years and we've been together for 5 years. We agreed we would start trying for a baby this fall. I always said I wanted to be married for 5 years before a baby but I'll be 30 then and no guarantee I will get pregnant easily. I'm excited but nervous and anxious and wondering if it's too soon for such a major life change? If all goes as planned I'll be 28 when I have my first child. We are doing everything to get financially ready and preparing our guest room to potentially become a nursery. I'm worried about the toll a baby takes on the relationship and lack of freedom. No more date nights or spontaneous road trips. Does it sound like I'm ready for this stage of life or am I overthinking things? I'm deathly scared of labor & delivery and that's my biggest fear and I think it's partly why I make excuses to put off having a baby. Any guidance or suggestions??