Question about periods

cclc • Married 6/13/15. Baby boy 4/30/16 😇 June 2018 😇 October 2018 😇 November 2018. Diagnosed with MTHFR and Factor 13. Expecting our 🌈 in 2/20/20 👶🏻Currently on progesterone and blood thinner injections

So I have been on birth control three years before my son was born and theee years after. I don’t really know what a normal period is like without it being regulated with birth control. I have had three miscarriages since July 2018. First was a blighted ovum. Second was a chemical two months later and followed immediately by a spontaneous miscarriage. After my last miscarriage (6 cycles ago) I spit light, watery brown the day I’m due for my period. But i usually don’t begin to bleed until the next evening or so. And that usually lasts a good day and a half and then it’s followed by dark brown red slushy stuff (sorry tmi) is this a normal period? Should I be worried I’m spotting a whole day or two before I actually bleed? And should I be concerned I’m not bleeding a ton? I’m afraid I’m having anovulatory cycles. I noticed I have ewcm for like 6/7 days and I’ll get one peak day on my ovulation test. It’s always been really easy for us to get pregnant and now nothing too. Could it just be a coincidence or is it worth mentioning to my ob? Side note: my ob knows I have an anxiety disorder and blames everything on stress. But I know my body.