Not sure how I feel......(sorry long)


So I found out on April 1st that I am expecting. According to my calendar (my husband and I have been trying for 8 months and I kept track of my cycles religiously) I was supposedly about 5 weeks. So I made my first appointment and I was scheduled to come in May 2nd when I would be 9 weeks. About 10 days after finding out I started to spot (very light brown looked like mixed with other fluid but only when I wiped). Wasn’t a lot so I thought not a big deal. Next day comes and there’s even more coming out, now I have to wear a liner. So I call my dr and they tell me to come in to do a transvag ultrasound. They don’t find anything in my uterus, no sac nothing. The tech just said she could only tell that I had no cysts no ectopic and that my uterine lining was thick. She said it might be too early to tell. I’m heartbroken at this point because at 6 weeks I thought I would see something. They also did blood work and my hcg levels were 275 but my progesterone was like a 2 I think so they put me on progesterone vag suppositories and a blood thinner lovenox ( I have a protein c deficiency so I clot easier and I am considered a high risk). After my appointment I start cramping a bit. Next day I have a lot of cramping (like period cramps but not as bad) and I start bleeding. I call my nurse and she tells me to stay off my feet to see if that helps I did also have 1 clot about the size a quarter (told my nurse about it and she said as long as I don’t get more or bigger ones I’m ok and I didn’t get anymore). Since being on the progesterone bleeding has basically stopped is a little light brown but only when I wipe and cramps were gone within 24 hours. Got second round of blood work yesterday and got results today. Hcg was only at 293 but because of medicine progesterone is 10.4. My dr wants to see me again and repeat tests on Monday. I really don’t know what to do or think. This is my first time being pregnant with no previous reproductive health issues. Is there something wrong? Am I going to have a miscarriage? Has this happened to anyone else on here?? I’m trying to be patient and just let my body do it’s thing and hope it all works out. I know God has his plan for me but I just don’t know what to do. I’m scared and I don’t want to lose this baby. I need a hug and some encouraging words!!

This is the progression of tests from top to bottom 4/1, 4/11, 4/16.