1st vs 2nd pregnancy


My son was born at 37 weeks 6lbs 14oz.

My daughter is 35weeks 1 day and weighs 6lbs 12oz. I know weight is just an estimate and can be off. I've been seeing a specialist and my regular obgyn every week since 20 weeks so i feel maybe they are pretty accurate.

But my question is what are the chances she'll come soon since my sons birth weight matches hers or that she'll come around 37 weeks too.

They said they wont let me go past 9lbs or 38-39 weeks but Im really scared to be induced. Everyone i know who was induced was in labor for a long time or ended up being in labor long and still had a csection.

Update: So this is super late 🙃 my bad. But for anyone wondering. I ended up having a csection at 38wks. And she was 8lbs exactly. It wasnt scheduled but although i was scared it went very smoothly and the healing process went great.